This is Jessica (or Jessi for short) Super Momma of 3 AMAZING kids, avid coffee drinker, yogi, nail polish enthusiast, scarf collector, one of the brightest souls on this earth.
If we are friends on Facebook, you've seen me post about how wonderful she is quite a bit. (It's true, y'all. I can't contain how awesome she is!)
Jessi and I were childhood best friends, so you can imagine how overjoyed I was when she moved in right below me a few weeks ago! We pretty much spend all of our free time together, hanging out with our combined 6 kids, drinking coffee, laughing, and loving life.
We have coffee together EVERY morning after we drop the kids at school. (Yes, every morning!) We have dinner and coffee together every evening too. (When your neighbor makes you coffee and leaves her door unlocked for you, you know it is a rare kind of friendship!)
(Jessi's three amazing babes)
You know how they say "it takes a village to raise a child"? I absolutely agree with that. Especially in the case of us moms (like Jessi and I) who are doing it single.
(And before I catch heck for it, YES, my kids do spend time with their dad every week)
Jessi is one of the most selfless people I know. She has watched my kids last minute several times so I could pick Isaiah up from school, do some last minute cleaning, throw a load of laundry in the washer..I could go on. I'm happy that I can do the same for her.
Watch all the kids so you can take a shower in peace? No problem!
Watch the baby because he is sick? Why would I say no to extra snuggles?!
Need a night out? GIVE ME ALL THE BABES!
I'm happy to say (with complete confidence) that we would do anything for each other and our kids. I'm encouraged daily by my friendship with this woman. She is radiant and bright. I'm happy that we are part of each other's "village".
I am so very happy that your friend from the past is back in your life!! Yay God!! <3